Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sage:The Herb That Led Me Here

My beloved sage. In my old garden, I think I planted her quite unknowingly, but she grew so happily that I couldn't help but be happy along with her. At least 4' high and the same around, this soft, silvery green creature called me to her often in my little back grotto-the place I came to think of as Wild Thing. Back then I had no idea what she would come to mean to me, how she would stick by my side, bring me comfort, refresh my spirit. Now of course I understand her better. A new sage garnishes Wild Thing 2, madly stretching her limbs well over the path. She responds to me on an even deeper level, answering my requests to expand quickly when I have many herb bundles to make. Not once has she not responded when it involves healing myself or others. She is a giver extraordinaire and I love and value her greatly. 
Dearest sage, forever remain in my life while I walk upon this earth. I never want to be without you.

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I was happy to find it again last year, and added it to my garden plot. I was trying to preserve this wild medicinal before it was wiped out...