Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Stinging Nettle

This one volunteered to be in my back garden, arriving one summer unannounced and enriching my world. I don't know what made me keep it, knowing they spread, but I'm so glad I did. 

I learned it only stings when dry, so I wear gloves to clip it now. Sometimes you want to use it dry, though, as slapping a branch against your skin ups your histamine levels which helps lessen seasonal allergies. I find it doesn't sting as badly the more I get stung, as well. The reaction doesn't seem to even last as long. Even when I hang them to dry they retain their tiny hairs and must be handled carefully.
As soon as I soak it or steep it the sting disappears. The tea reminds me of lemon balm but tastes more green than that. I use it when I am badly dragging in energy, or nutrient deficient. Of course volunteers arrive when we need them, and my bones, nails & hair were already showing signs of depletion.

I often get a sense of whether a plant is male or female. I suppose all that give off seeds could be seen as female from a human point of view, but being around them long enough usually leaves me with an impression that I go with once revealed. They are creatures, after all, with remarkable awareness of their surroundings. Some, however, give off both male & female energy, and nettle-so far-is one of them. The delicate leaves, tiny seeds, and tall stalks wafting in the wind suggest female to me, but the essence and strength of its internal medicine come across as male. To be clear, this is not meant to be a sexist impression in any way, just an internal communication between myself and the plants I come to consider family. My dear nettle  gifts nourishment, comfort, and strength to me. I rely on her/him especially after illness, which I am happy to say do not occur as often since introducing herbs into my life.

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I was happy to find it again last year, and added it to my garden plot. I was trying to preserve this wild medicinal before it was wiped out...