Saturday, April 16, 2022


I was late to the game with this one. I have been drinking the herbal tea for years, as a natural way to calm my genetic anxiety disease, but didn't actually plant any until two years ago. In my plot, Oasis, to be precise.

I did not harvest any the first year, as I wanted it to get well-established and grow more flowers. Boy, did it ever! It pretty much exploded with them the second year, becoming a monster-sized beasty. I  harvested many flowers from it, then broke the base up into about ten plants. All of them went nuts as well! Such happy babies! They truly were lovely. 

This season some will be moved yet again, as the light, feathery foliage and tiny daisy-head flowers are a delight to behold. They remind me of wispy cosmos, an equally abundant plant.

The heads basically fall apart if you leave them to dry too long, but I keep them in a mason jar, to be used in a teacup with a central filter. I think I will use more fresh ones this season.

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I was happy to find it again last year, and added it to my garden plot. I was trying to preserve this wild medicinal before it was wiped out...