Saturday, April 16, 2022


She came into my life when my neighbour at my old place donated homemade cement stones to me, and I created a garden path along the side of the house. I love natural pathways, and of course they need little spreaders in between the stones. Mother-of-Thyme fit in beautifully with Scotch & Irish moss, & steppable Baby's Tears. They all put off tiny, delicate flowers that I just loved. 

Then Creeping Thyme was added, in my new home's back herb garden. I had tried to add the Mother-of-Thyme here first, but sadly she just wouldn't stay. The new thyme is used in the kitchen & in herb bundles. Thyme releases old and stuck energy, cleanses & purifies as a smudge. It can also act as an expectorant.

Next came my plots. Within them lies both Winter & Lemon thyme, and a third that lost its label. It may be Silver. I love the fresh smell of the lemon, and it's little variegated leaves. They got moved around last year and stayed happy, so I hope their next move will see that continue. I harvested some of each for my kitchen, and my baby bunny, but she is not as fond of woody-stemmed, aromatic herbs as she is of soft-bodied parsley. 🙂

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I was happy to find it again last year, and added it to my garden plot. I was trying to preserve this wild medicinal before it was wiped out...